Teaching is my way of sharing my passion for this form of art with those who are like minded. It is truly satisfying to see a group of students enjoy their class and immerse themselves completely into their work, leaving their day-to-day task list behind for a few hours. Then, when they complete a project, they are so surprised and happy to see how well they have done. It also brings a glow of happiness and pride for the teacher that is difficult to describe. The student's growth as a n artist is obvious. But the side benefit, a bit more hidden and difficult to realize without actually experiencing it, is the learning and growth that happens for the teacher as well.
I had noticed that while teaching my class of beginner drawing students, with basic exercises from the Charles Bargue Drawing Course book, it is translating into my own projects during the rest of the week. Surprisingly, even though the principles that I am teaching the students are very basic principles ( make sure the pencil is sharp, make sure your paper is level) I find that I pay more attention to those simple directions even in my own work.
I have seen this happen before; I have taught medical students and residents and find a similar sense of satisfaction in teaching drawing and painting. And, the indirect benefit of being able to stay current with my own learning.
Looking up this topic I found this and I quote "It is apparent to those who have taught that teaching is a better way to learn than being taught. Teaching enables the teacher to discover what one thinks about the subject being taught."
Albeit written in the context of a school classroom, it directly applies to any learning situation. In other words, in giving freely, we receive!
In art as in medicine, the benefit of teaching has been many fold and I look forward to sharing my love for drawing and painting with many students in the years to come.