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Daily PaintWorks Gallery

I finally did it.

I created my very own Daily PaintWorks gallery page.

I have been reading about and enjoying the concept of daily painting. Paint small and paint often.

I started doing this the beginning of this year and I am now convinced there is so much merit to this.

For me, painting a large work is exciting but also daunting at the same time.

I will sometimes, begin a large painting and then lose focus, get distracted by daily life, family and work obligations and then dread going back to complete it.

Sometimes, there are months where, much as I would like to, I cannot find much time to spend on painting.

This is where the concept of daily painting has been invaluable.

Paint small, Paint often.

I bought several 5 X 7 and 8 X10 Raymar Claessens 15 DP panels and toned them all with raw umber mixed with a little cobalt blue to get a nice mid value grey.

These are small enough that I need only an hour or two of painting time to cover them.

I am keeping the subject matter simple, sometimes just a single piece of fruit, or a single flower.

It gets me to paint no matter how busy my day has been, I am able to paint even when we are traveling because I can throw in an hour or painting anywhere as long as I have my plein air bag with me.

Daily painting has also helped me paint without being nervous, I don't worry so much about making a mistake.

My work has become more expressive and I am enjoying the freedom to let my brushstrokes lie where they are originally placed without blending or blurring.

I worry less about the end product and focus on enjoying the process.

I will add more paintings to my dpw page over the next few days!

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